Operasional Nayara Batik Makin Efisien Berkat Digitalisasi dalam Pembayaran
Nayara Batik memanfaatkan payment gateway Midtrans untuk mempermudah digitalisasi pembayaran, terutama di kala pandemi.

We have made a minor adjustment to the Privacy Notice which will go into effect on 30 May 2024. . Click here to review!
See hereMidtrans Passport is our self-serve registration framework that we built back in 2017, to help merchants sign up and go live with Midtrans in a matter of minutes. Over the years, we’ve added multiple functionalities to ensure that Passport can serve all kinds of businesses, be it large-scale enterprises or even newly established startups.
With the growing number of new businesses, especially during this pandemic situation, we aim to ensure that our Midtrans Passport experience stays relevant and can help as many new businesses as possible to be able to switch to the online landscape instantly.
Midtrans Passport was originally designed for business owners and IT staff with a certain degree of tech literacy, as well as familiarity with the legal requirements related to accepting payments in compliance to the regulation.
However we are aware, we want to make Midtrans more inclusive and easily accessible to be used by anyone. In this sense, our self-serve registration system needs to be updated so that it can be easily used to serve new businesses (including those selling on social media or also known as social sellers) and they can start to accept payments through Midtrans seamlessly, comfortably, and swiftly.
We begin our process by conducting research and talking to the our merchants, especially to social sellers in order to understand their needs better
Starting with the overarching question of “How might we improve our registration journey to increase the merchant’s onboarding experience?”, from this question we’ve learned that:
the number of fields that needs to be filled out are quite a lot,
some reported a few difficulties in navigating the instructions,
the bank validation step is very complex and requires visual aids so that users can better understand the guidelines for Website Readiness,
the majority of social sellers that we interviewed prefers to have a registration page that is mobile-responsive as the majority of their operations are done exclusively on mobile devices, and
visibility to make it easier for users to access the Passport page itself still needs to be improved.
Next: Do some prototyping, test, gather feedback and reiterate
In the process of designing the prototypes, one of the northstar from this project was to shorten the registration process so that our merchants are able to complete the registration process from start to finish conveniently. On top of that, we added contextual help throughout the registration process in order to make it easier for merchants to complete the registration process independently.
We tried to solve these problems by using the following approaches :
First, we analyze the minimum information needed to fulfil the registration requirements in accordance with the principal provisions, which information need to be obtained through the merchant directly, and which can be obtained implicitly. From this analysis, we redesigned the information request flow and documents so that merchants only need to provide the necessary information according to their needs and business profiles. For example, individual businesses that only need to activate GoPay and Bank Transfer will not be asked to upload an NPWP, and information relating to the bank accounts can be obtained through inputting the bank account number.
Then, we redesign all the visual cues for guidelines, examples of eligible information, and error messages to be more intuitive.
Afterwards, we pay extra attention especially to the copywriting, ensuring that users who are not very familiar with payment gateway or specific jargons can still understand the instructions. Several copy choices were run through our users to look for the ones that are are easier to understand and more appropriate.
Lastly, we designed our Passport to be mobile responsive and have a more modern feel!
Reiterate the steps, pour it to the design, test, and repeat until we are satisfied with the new design.
Rollout and monitor the release
So, how about the result? In early December 2020, we officially launched the new and improved Midtrans Passport. Additionally, we also did further research on our merchants post-launch to gather the final iteration of feedback. At the time that this article is written, improvements based on the feedback collected are being prepared and will be implemented in the near future.
One month after the release, we observed several significant improvements, such as:
The findings above have definitely made us delighted to see the work that we did was able to make it easier for merchants to register and utilise our services. At last, the latest version of Midtrans Passport is now released. However, this does not mark the end of our effort to learn and further improve on our merchant registration experience.
We are aware that there are still plenty room for improvements for our products, and we hope to continuously develop them so that businesses in Indonesia will continue to be #MantapMelangkah
And yes, “criticism is a gift”, we would love to hear your feedback and opinions regarding Midtrans and how our service can be the complete payment solution for your business. Because we believe, as psychologist Hendrie Weisinger once said, "Criticism is information that will help you (us) grow".