We have made a minor adjustment to the Privacy Notice which will go into effect on 30 May 2024. . Click here to review!

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Accepting most payments

With 25 payment methods to choose from, you can accept payment from virtually any customers.

You can enable all or only some payment methods. It all depends on you.

  • Credit/debit cards
  • e-Money
  • Virtual accounts
  • Over the Counter
See all payment methods >
Accepting most payments
Refund API

Refund API

You can make bulk refunds with our refund API. Get it done in just a few seconds.

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GoPay exclusive

GoPay exclusive

We are the only payment gateway that processes GoPay transactions.

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Subscription / recurring

Subscription / recurring

Schedule recurring payments once and your customer will get charged periodically.

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Secure in every way

Our fraud-detection system combines AI, machine learning, and complex rules to protect your transactions. Save time and money so you could focus on growing your business.

  • Licensed by Bank Indonesia
  • AES 256
  • ISO 27001
Security at Midtrans >
Bank Indonesia

Bank Indonesia

Licensed by Bank Indonesia

Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo)

Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo)

Registered as The Electronic System Provider

AES 256

AES 256

Advanced Encryption Standard



Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

ISO 27001

ISO 27001

ISO/IEC 27001 is an information security standard

Run your business anywhere

  • Manage all your transactions in one dashboard, on your desktop or our mobile app
  • Get real-time notifications when you receive payments
  • Add multiple team members to the dashboard and increase your team’s efficiency
Run your  business anywhere


No integration needed. You can just log in to your dashboard, create a Payment Link, and send it to your customer. Fast and easy.

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Compatible with all devices and browsers. Our built-in pop-up checkout page (SNAP) lets your buyers pay seamlessly.

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Easily embed our Android and iOS Mobile SDK to start accepting payments natively within your app.

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Customize the whole payment page in your website to provide seamless experience for your customers.

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More ways we can help

We have partnered with reputable companies to help you grow your business

Logistics and admin assistance

Logistics and admin assistance

Selling online can be troublesome. Selly lets you create invoice, estimate delivery charges, send canned responses, and accept payments, all without leaving your keyboard.

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Web developer

Web developer

With the help of our trusted web developer partners, we provide a fast and reliable service to help build your website efficiently

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Tech support

Tech support

If you need technical or integration help, we can refer you to some excellent developers. These professionals are experts in integrating Midtrans, and they have been vetted rigorously.

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Hear from our clients

Emilia Susanti Herlambang

Emilia Susanti Herlambang

SVP of Strategic Operations - Blibli

Midtrans is an excellent, well-managed payment gateway. With the seamless payment integration and fraud detection platform, Midtrans helps Blibli to provide the best payment experience for our customers.

Rahelyna Mairing

Rahelyna Mairing

VP Finance - Kitabisa

Realtime, Reliable, efficient and secure process. Not only offer a brilliant platform but Midtrans also proactive in performing development, providing ongoing support and offered insight into merchant solutions that have helped our business grow.

Arvin Gotama

Arvin Gotama

Operations Manager of Ecommerce Division - Ranch Market

We can attest that Midtrans is helpful and very responsive in serving us. Their product is stable and integrations are easy and straight-forward.

In addition to that, customers get to choose from many payment options. Since using Midtrans, we don't have to deal with over and underpayments anymore.

Adya Danaditya

Adya Danaditya

Product Manager & Product Team Lead - KompasGramedia

In our efforts to automate payments process throughout the Kompas Gramedia group, a reliable BCA bank transfer method is an urgent need for both our customers and our business partners. Midtrans has since enabled us to do it in a very short time and in the short weeks since it is live we have improved our checkout conversion by over 20%.

  • akitabisa
  • LOGO-RM-(1)
  • myvalue-logo-set
Tech docs

Tech docs

API and plug-ins are compatible with WordPress, Shopify, WooCommerce, Android, and many more.

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Setting up is free and only charge when the transaction is successful.

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Have more

Help Center
Setting up is free, and we only charge a fee for every successful transaction. There is no implementation or maintenance fee. For detailed pricing of all payment methods, please see Pricing.
Click here and follow further instructions.
In addition to online and in-store payment solutions, our trusted partners provide Point of Sales systems and our partner can help with the marketing of F&B businesses through Gojek.

Online Payment Gateway untuk Bisnis Online Anda

Sebagai pemilik bisnis online, pastinya Anda berusaha untuk memberikan pengalaman berbelanja online yang nyaman dan mudah untuk pelanggan Anda. Salah satunya adalah soal pembayaran. Di awal bisnis online mulai menjamur di Indonesia, sistem pembayaran yang digunakan masih manual seperti cash on delivery atau COD dan transfer bank manual yang mana pembeli harus konfirmasi pembayaran dengan menyertakan bukti transaksi. Hal ini tentu membuat pengalaman berbelanja kurang menyenangkan dan ribet bagi penjual dan pembeli, seperti:

  1. Dari sisi pembeli, mereka harus ke ATM untuk melakukan transaksi, memfoto bukti pembayaran, dan mengonfirmasi ke penjual. Terkadang pembeli bisa dikenakan biaya admin apabila penjual hanya menyediakan rekening dari akun yang berbeda. Sering kali ini menjadi alasan pembeli tidak jadi melakukan transaksi.

  2. Dari sisi penjual, mereka harus mengecek kembali apakah bukti transaksi tersebut benar dan sesuai dengan melihat mutasi rekening. Hal ini untuk menghindari bukti transaksi palsu. Sering kali juga penjual harus menunggu tanpa kepastian apakah pembeli jadi melakukan transaksi atau tidak. Ini bisa merugikan waktu dan uang, karena penjual seharusnya bisa saja menjual barangnya ke calon pembeli lain.

Kini dengan adanya online payment gateway seperti Midtrans, pemilik bisnis online bisa menawarkan sistem pembayaran online yang nyaman, mudah, dan aman. Adapun keuntungan yang bisa Anda dan pelanggan Anda dapatkan dengan menyediakan sistem pembayaran online, seperti:

  1. Ada berbagai metode pembayaran online yang dapat ditawarkan
    Dengan online payment gateway, Anda bisa menawarkan metode pembayaran seperti GoPay, QRIS, virtual account, kartu debit atau kredit, ShopeePay, debit online, dan pembayaran tunai di gerai, seperti Indomaret dan Alfamart. Calon pembeli Anda dapat memilih metode pembayaran mana yang mereka inginkan, dan tidak perlu waktu lama untuk menyelesaikan pembayaran. Saat ini metode pembayaran GoPay, kartu kredit, dan bank transfer/virtual account menjadi metode pembayaran yang paling diminati oleh konsumen. Pastikan toko online Anda memilikinya.

  2. Terdapat notifikasi secara real-time setelah transaksi berhasil
    Anda tidak perlu lagi menunggu konfirmasi pembayaran ataupun pelanggan Anda tidak perlu repot menyertakan bukti transaksi. Karena dengan online payment gateway, baik penjual dan pembeli akan mendapatkan notifikasi secara real-time setelah transaksi berhasil. Penjual bisa lebih memanfaatkan waktunya untuk pengiriman barang dan fokus mengembangkan bisnisnya.

  3. Dapat diatur batas waktu pembayaran
    Penjual dapat mengatur batas waktu maksimal untuk calon pembeli segera melakukan transaksi. Apabila calon pembeli melewati batas waktu yang ditetapkan, pesanan akan dianggap batal dan calon pembeli harus melakukan pemesanan ulang. Hal ini memudahkan penjual agar tidak terlalu menunggu tanpa kepastian dari calon pembeli, sehingga produk yang ingin dibeli tersebut bisa dibeli oleh calon pembeli lain.

  4. Pencatatan transaksi yang lebih rapi dan mudah
    Enaknya menggunakan online payment gateway seperti Midtrans adalah semua transaksi akan tercatat secara otomatis di Dashboard Midtrans. Bahkan termasuk catatan transaksi dari masing-masing metode pembayaran. Semua data dapat ditarik berdasarkan tanggal, metode pembayaran, dan masih banyak lagi. Hal ini akan membantu pemilik bisnis atau bagian keuangan dalam menganalisis transaksi dan perilaku konsumen yang dapat digunakan dalam membuat strategi bisnis kedepannya.

Tunggu apa lagi? Ayo, gunakan Midtrans sebagai solusi payment gateway untuk bisnis Anda. Anda bisa terima lebih dari 20 metode pembayaran online di toko Anda.