Punya Pertanyaan Seputar Produk dan Layanan Midtrans? Amy Siap Jawab!
Kini Anda bisa mendapat informasi mendasar seputar Midtrans dari Amy, virtual assistant Midtrans. Temukan Amy di website midtrans.com.

Kami telah melakukan sedikit penyesuaian pada Pemberitahuan Privasi yang akan berlaku efektif pada tanggal 30 Mei 2024. Klik disini untuk meninjau!
Cek disiniHave you heard about the recent ransomware threat called WannaCry?
WannaCry is one of kind of ransomware, a malicious software used for data kidnapping that denies you to access your files in your computer by encrypting them and then asks you to pay ransoms to decrypt your data. The rise of ransomware is driven by the money the thieves get.
Currently there are 99 countries has been infected by this ransomware including Russia, People's Republic of China, United Kingdom, and also Indonesia, which leads this case to the most damaging cyberattack in history. This ransomware is targeting Windows-based PC that has vulnerability in SMB function.
There are several companies in Indonesia that already infected by this ransomware thus Kementerian Teknologi dan Informatika (Kominfo) treat this threat very seriously. Midtrans also treat this threat very seriously and we have already took a necessary steps to eliminate the risk happen in our environment by ensuring that security patch on our Windows is updated.