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14 Mar

The story of Jason Lamuda, a successful young entrepreneur in the eCommerce world of Indonesia

Veritrans Indonesia

by Veritrans Indonesia


Who does not know Jason Lamuda? Some of us probably know him personally, some of us might have heard his name from somewhere, or maybe not at all. He is most famous for starting Disdus.com, which is known as Groupon Indonesia these days. Exiting his first venture and entering another one, Jason is currently busy running and expanding Berrybenka.com. Yes, there is one commonality behind those two successful businesses, and it is this one bright young man.

We have admired Jason for a while now, but not until TechInAsia published a more complete story about Jason's life that we got triggered to say more about him. Read it here and you will be amazed: http://www.techinasia.com/disdus-cofounder-industry-youre-successful/

Not only he was able to capture the opportunities available here in Indonesia, his persistence and optimism have resulted in what cannot easily be duplicated by anyone else. His first startup was a failure, but literally, everything happens for a reason. The connections he made during that period led him to the chance of starting what is known to be the biggest daily deals site in Indonesia in the status quo, hence the acquisition by Groupon in mere six months.

What sparked him to do what he currently does, you may ask? Observation, we have to say. Jason had the ability to carefully recognize the efficiency of eCommerce in United States and how it has significantly changed the lifestyle of the people. Amazon was his inspiration, and with his great business-minded belief he would then develop the idea to do so in Indonesia.

Now, who would not want to be like him? And yes, you can still be Jason Lamuda Jr. or Jason Lamuda II. Jason encourages all the youngsters to tap the ample room for businesses in Indonesian eCommerce. Don't think too much, overview the market, and start from there.