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Kami telah melakukan sedikit penyesuaian pada Pemberitahuan Privasi yang akan berlaku efektif pada tanggal 30 Mei 2024. Klik disini untuk meninjau!
Cek disiniWell well well, the second month of the new year is almost over, and if we specifically discussed about the state of ePayment last month, this time we're gonna talk about the state of eCommerce in general. A lot of resources is available out there to cover this topic, but we want to specifically use the materials shared previously by Andry Suhaili.
Andry Suhaili is the founder and CEO of PriceArea. If you've been using the site, you should be familiar with his work. As a prominent eCommerce player in Indonesia, Andry shared his substantial insight about the current state of eCommerce in the country, including its rapid growth as well as what's becoming the roadblock.
With 74 million active internet users accompanied by ranges of affordable internet devices, eCommerce has its way paved to grow bigger and bigger each year. This reason itself is strong enough to justify the rapid growth of the market, but it has yet to achieve its maximum potential.
Why? Andry cited "trust" to be the most problematic issue. Trust in terms of fear for online fraud, as well as inability to feel and touch the item upon purchase.
But wait, don't be discouraged by this. ShopDeca, one of the most fashionable online shops in Indonesia, has combatted the lack of feel and touch matter by opening up an offline showroom at their office. Transactions will still be conducted online as laptops are provided at the store for customers to place order, but the decision making process has been made so much easier since all the items online are available at the physical showroom.
Finally, Veritrans here as an online payment gateway will bring a resolution to merchants' fear for online fraud. Using an innovative technology provided by ReD (the company behind Nordstrom, Netflix, Singapore Airlines and many others), we utilize the most comprehensive fraud detection system to detect any suspicious activities made on purchases. Any irregular behavior will be investigated closely by our fraud analysis team, so that fraudulent transactions will not go through successfully.
To learn more about the current state of eCommerce in Indonesia, please visit
And you know what to do to contact us with any questions or inquiries, drop us a line at at anytime ;)